The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

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Ideas Still Guide Us McCarthy Army ight To Be Carried on TV Stevens Set to Answer Dejected Trio Charges of Coddling' In Indochina Moscow Hails AW' Geneva Parley a Crowd Gathers Sick Baby Stolen rom Hospital Bed banks i Washington Shoppers Gobble Up Bargains I Weather Elsewhere In The Signal radio By Tlw Associated Press Births new the will DAYTON Ohio Some men from Wright Patterson week swept over here night and until Sunday before skies became light film of mud was relative Marsh ice Red Boyd store manager burglary took place after 4 pm yester vif pre prevent hospital in getting ready for spring The holiday with government offices closed added extra thou sands to the throngs that snarled traffic Some of the stoppers were lined up before dawn Lois Broad hurst and Joyce Riggs students at the University of Maryland showed up at a department store with a blanket at 1:30 am They were after a $5 TV set for their sorority house Probably the first fellow tn line was 14 yeer old Philip Gold smith who camped in front of a department store just before 1 WASHINGTON' The scheduled appearance of Secretary of the Army Robert Stevens before Senator committee tomorrow has bee postponed until Thursday morning Mrs Mabel Shupe 58 of Worthington a resident of Zanes ville until a month ago was kill ed instantly at 9:35 last night when struck by an automo bile at Worthington According to the ranklin coun ty sheriff's office Mrs Shupe was killed as she stepped from WASHINGTON UH Wrist watches sold for a penny in Washington today Radio phono graphs and at least one automo bile went for 99 cents and tele vision sets for $5 The occasion was the big Wash Birthday sale and thou sands of shoppers flooded into town for the bargains The sale is an annual affair in the capital It lasts from 8 am to 2 pm and in addi tion to offering savings to shop pers it gives storekeepers a chance to unload their stocks 88 Air orce Men In Cold Weather Test NEW DELHI India Co Premier Nehru called today for a cease fire in Indochina it would seem a tre mendous pity that this terri ble war should continue when a serious effort to meet and discuss this is sched uled April 26 at Geneva is desirable I think to have some kind of cease fire without any party giving up its Neh ru told Parliament (The Associated Press in a United Nations dispatch Saturday night reported Nehru was plan ning such a step Commenting on this dispatch in Washington yes terday diplomatic officials said they doubted Nehru or anyone else could succeed in arranging a cease fire in Indochina before the Geneva conference starts (rench Embassy officials have made it plain they do not relish Indian intervention The Nehru government they point out does not even recognize Viet Nam one of the three Indochinese states tighUngtho Rornmunist led rebels with rench help (In addition diplomats say there is too little time between now and April 26 to get a cease fire worked out and even if there were there is no clearly defined line along which to mark the combat zones of each side as there was in Korea NEW TRAIC SYSTEM MIDDLETOWN Ohio A traffic light and one way street sys tem went into effect in Middletown yesterday But New Proposal Is Not Expected To Bring Results pm yesterday He too wanted a TV set Here were some of the choice bargain offers: A $7150 wrist watch for a pen ny: a vacuum cleaner iron and wallets for 2 cents sewing ma chines typewriters electric trains radio phonographs all for 99 cents $55 suits for $5 and $1250 shoes for a nickeL Of course if the shopper get well up in his line he get any of those choice bargains But the storekeepers said there were savings for alL Peiping Also Adds Voice of Approval Yr (Special to The Signal) CALDWELL Burglars broke into the Kegeirris 5 10 cent store here last night or early to day and carted off a 300 pound safe containing $156 Sheriff Don ald Conaway reported The burglars entered the store by smashing a window in the rear of the building and carried the safe about 10 feet to an al ley The sheriff and state highway patrolmen are checking for fin gerprints today and reported a clear set of tire tracks were visi ble in the alley in the rear of the store Roland said the sometime day He worked at the store until that hour he said Willis Ralph night watchman said he checked the store shortly after 1 this morning and again at about 3:30 but saw noth ing amiss The burglary was dis covered when the store was open ed at 8 this morning The broken window at the rear of the store led into the wash room The burglars carried the safe out through a large dou ble door at the rear of the office BIG HUNTED DALLAS The police broadcasting a wanted report on a forgery suspect described him as 6 feet 5 inches talk His nickname Shorty Speared by Sapling Young armer Killed BROKEN ARROW Okla A Stubborn willow sapling crush ed to the ground by a bulldozer snapped back like an arrow yes terday after the machine had passed over it and speared a farm worker who was walking behind The victim Jess Lee Henry 22 was struck in the chest and died before reaching a hospital The bulldozer operated by Hen father was clearing brush from the farmland STEUBENVILLE Ohio UB Po lice today sought a man and wo man who snatched the sick 7 month old baby from a hospital bed and fled in an automobile Patrolman John McConnell iden tified the father as Gerald Con rad and the women as Helen El hose They escaped with (he baby yesterday in a car bearing Mary land license plantes The baby Pamela was brought to McGill Hospital Saturday for treatment of pneumonia She was in the custody of Mrs Alice Ernest ot Steubenville Police did not im mediately disclose Mrs Ernest's relationship to the child Hospital attaches said Conrsd and Mrs Eltose came to the hos pital yesterday to visit the child The woman grabbed the baby and put it under her coat and the cou ple ran out of the hospital despite a efforts to stop them Pa trolman McConnell said The policeman Said the pair may oe going to the home of a of Conrad Mrs Lucy Westernport Md The nurse who tried to the two from leaving' the was Mrs Gloria Kotur ORMER JUDGE DIES GEORGETOWN Ohio neral eservices will be held here tomorrow for Howard Waters 60 who served as Brown County probate judge from 1921 to 1929 PUBLIC "Of all the things that lead to political pros perity religion and morality are valuable and indispensable" can not be directly overthrown "I believe in free competition free political insti tutions and a minimum nf erniMni intrfpnM MILITARY be prepared for war isone of the most effectual mean preserving the peace' GOVERNMENT a little encouragement (bounties) Connecticut farmers have added 100090 sheep to their stock" CONSTITUTION "Guard against changes that might im pair undermine that which' Nancy Bannister 5 and Elston Woodward 7 with mongrel are a sad trio as they sit on steps of exhibitors entrance to the Eastern Dog annual stow in Boston They had ideas of entering Spot in the show but were disappointed when they leam ed was open only to dogs with pedigrees (AP Wirephoto) Army Secretary Hits Method Of Questioning Officers "Let orous measures be taken to mote (our) economy and to1 encourage manufacturing" George Washington perhaps more than any other individual in history has been the author of our national philosophy Taking the reigns of government when the nation was at its weakest he laid the basic principles for succeeding generations to follow Illustrated below are some of ideas on matters of public policy with which every succeeding administration has had to cope Man Lugs Big Load ToWin $10 Bet CLEVELAND To wiiu $10 bet part time car washer with nine children carried a 100 pound box of oil cans more than two miles yesterday "When you have nine kids to feed and you have a regu lar job do most anything for Marvin Burgess SO said after finishing the trip from 55th street to Public square Burgess covered the 21 mile distance in 45 minutes Thieves Cart Off Safe at Caldwell Woman Is Killed When Hit by Car LONDON Moscow radio said today the forthcoming Geneva con Terence including Communist Chi na can help pave the way to a Korean settlement and "the estab lishment of peace in Quoting from the Communist party organ Pravda the English language broadcast heard here said the Western foreign ministers at the recent Berlin conference to agree to holding the Ge neva conference with the participa tion of the Chinese Peoples Repub lic" It added: "There can be no doubt that this conference can help to relax In ternational tension and ate the difficulties blocking a set tlement of the Korean question and the establishment of peace in In At Berlin the United States Britain rance and Russia agreed 1 to call a conference at Geneva April 26 to discuss a Korean set tlement and "the problem of re storing peace In Indochina" Al though Red China would be in vited the final Berlin conference communique made clear this would not imply diplomatic recognition "in any case where it has not been accorded" The United States and rance do not recognize the Pei ping government The Moscow broadcast claimed the Soviet insistence on a role for Red China has "met with wide spread response and approval the world tw Communist China tonight put its stamp of approval on the Big our decision to hold an Asian peace conference at Geneva starting April 26 and said the parley should ease world ten slon "The Chinese people express their support for said Peiping radio the voice of Red China The broadcast heard here quoted an editorial in the official Peiping Daily as saying "With out doubt this agreement will gradually reduce international 88 Air orce Base started on a trip to day with deliberate plans to stay cold and hungry for two weeks The 88 are all volunteers for a six week cold weather field test aimed at developing improved emergency survival rations our 8 weeks will be devoted to study 12 13 Ing the men before and after the 2 'test run 8 The volunteers will live under 11 simulated survival conditions 9 from starvation to nor 10 11 mal Their hunger site will be 5 Camp McCoy Wis Zanesville Man's Truck Missing Dulles Reports To Congressmen WASHINGTON (Secretary of State Dulles opens today on the crucial congressional front his campaign to convince the country the United States came out ahead In its latest diplomatic skirmish with the Soviets He arranged a personal report to 16 congressional leaders on his Berlin conference decision to take part in an Asian peace conference in Geneva with Communist Chi nese and Russian delegates He has already said that in the got 100 per cent what it wanted Some 'members of Congress ex pressed fears that the Geneva conference might break the for ultimate recognition of China or Today's closed meeting is first of five reports Dulles give on the results of the four week session with or eign Minister Molotov Anthony Eden an Georges Bidault In a move to reassure uneasy legislators Dulles is expected to stress that the forthcoming par ley with the Communists set for April 26 does not foreshadow formal American diplomatic rec ognition or membership in the United Nations for the Peiping re gime The secretary is reported ready to argue that the terms agreed upon were necessary in order to cut through the deadlocked pre liminary peace talks at Panmun jom which had been stalled since last Dec 12 over a name calling wrangle The secretary plans to follow up meeting by report ing tomorrow to the full House oreign Affairs Committee in a closed door meeting On Wednes day he is to give a similar ac counting to the Senate oreign Relations Committee He is to give a nationwide 30 minute radio and television report to the nation Wednesday night In between these assignments he plans to give a detailed report to President Eisenhower after the President returns from his Palm Springs Calif vacation Tuesday Holiday Is Quietly Observed in City Public offices schools and other financial institutions were closed today in observance of birthday but its not a holiday for city councilmen who will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight in their newly redecorated room The city does not recognize the day as a legal holiday thus park ing meters were checked as usual Stores were open and industries were likewise in operation At its meeting tonight council is Classified scheduled to consider seven ordin lDeaths ances one of which would assess a'Hospital News5 registration fee for non resi RadioTV dents signing fire protection con erial Story tracts with the city At present I Sports no fee is charged News A big refrigerator truck valued at $10000 has disappeared with its cargo and driver according to a report filed with police today by the truck owner Myers of 854 Luck avenue wife said the driver tele phoned two weeks ago from Michi gan to report that he had picked up a load of potatoes and reported he was bound for Atlanta Ga After a week had elapsed and Myers did not hear from the truck driver he got in touch with the Georgia produce firm and learned that the operators had forwarded $200 to the trucker after he had reported that 1 truck had broken down at Terre Haute Ind Since the cargo was owned by the Atlanta firm the money was forwarded to expedite delivery Nothing has been heard from the trucker since eb 11 Myers hires out the truck on a variety of hauling assignments Usually he makes the trips but on this occasion did not accompany the driver William Howard 38 of' Memphis Tenn Early for Trial MANSIELD Ohio With more than 100 spectators waiting outside at 6 am today a janitor opened the doors early at the court room where supermarket executive Max Sternbaum is being tried for first degree murder The courtroom usually is ojcned at 7:45 in the morning It was the beginning of the third week of the trial in which Prosecutor Theodore Lutz is at tempting to prove Sternbaum killed his wife for the love of another woman Defense Atty Paul Herbert today made another attempt to get testimony given State ire Mar shal Charles Scott by Margaret Rozenman Miss Rozenman is the woman Prosecutor Lutz is trying to link with Sternbaum in an at tempt to establish a motive She testified last November at considerable length before the grand jury which indicted Stern baum in the Dec 4 1952 death The jury also indicted Sternbaum on an arson charge Herbert asked Judge Kalb fleisch to direct the state fire mar shal to furnish him with the orig inal transcription of testimony giv en by Miss Rozenman in the fire office in June October and November last year Herbert previously had asked Scott for the testimony The judge ruled Herbert will be given two hours just before Miss Rozenman testifies to look over the testimony She is expected to testify within the next few days Herbert said he asked for a copy of her testimony because he be leived it conflicting contradic tory and Merlin Mitten an investigator for ire Marshal Scott testified the only evidence taken from the old Sternbaum office building aft Turn to Page Eight Old Tip Is Revived In Newark Slaying WASHINGTON A tip on a 23 year old unsolved cop kill ing in Newark Ohio proved to be old here Saturday Police Chief Arthur Jones of Newark said a man who walked into police headquarters here to volunteer a tip had given the same and it had been discounted Jones said he would not pursue questioning the Richard Brown 49 of no fixed address Brown was released Jones said Brown offered the same tip shortly after the fatal shooting of Policeman Harry Beas ley during a safe robbery in New ark in 1931 Nehru Urges Cease ire WASHINGTON (2P) Secretary of the Army Rob ert Stevens and Sen McCarthy (R Wis) fresh from a running clash over McCarthy's Interrogation of Army officers meet face to face on the issue tomorrow before a nationwide audience Turned down twice in two days I on demands he made to the Army McCarthy has summoned its civil ian head to appear before his Sen ate Investigations subcommittee here at 10:30 am EST tomorrow i He said Stevens would be asked to explain what the senator termed an attempt by the Army "to coddle and promote Stevens said he received no offi cial notification but would be glad to appear That was after he had ordered two generals not to comply with calls for their appearance be fore subcommittee Objecting to the humiliation he said was inflicted on one of them at a hearing by McCarthy last week Stevens said "I cannot per mit the loyal officers of our armed forces to be subjected to such un warranted The secretary is a former textile manufacturer who himself served as an Army officer in both world wars He said he was afraid the tige and ot the military would be weakened by tactics on our officer corps" hearing will be pub lic and will be broadcast by the National Broadcasting Co televi sion network On riday the Army let go by a deadline McCarthy had set for it to produce the names of all personnel connected with the promotion anti honorable discharge of a reserve officer who had declined to say whether he was ever a Communist The information has not yet been given the senator McCarthy said In New York yes terday that the reserve major In volved Dr Irving Peress a den tist was promot ed saved from overseas orders and awarded an honorable dis charge all despite an open record of active membership in the Com munist In his investigation of thf Peress case McCarthy last week sum moned to a closed hearing In New York Brig Gen Ralph Zwicker commanding officer of Camp Kit mer NJ where Peress was sta tioned Afterwards McCarthy who con ducted the hearing without any of 1 his subcommittee colleagues said the general had acknowledged knowing about the purported evidence against Peress But Zwicker told reporters McCar thy "gave a colored and slanted version of my testimony twisting everything he I Carthy subsequently sum moned Zwicker and Maj Gen William Bergin Army adjutant general to a hearing Then Stevens stepped in forbid ding their appearance and charg ing that Zwicker "suffered humili ating when he carried out the orders of bls superiors McCarthy said in New York "Stevens is a loyal man but appar ently is being made a dupe by holdovers from the previous ad The senator said he had ordered the public hearing tomorrow: 1 3 a a a a uciaujc we iremenuous importance to the country of the at time Army attempt to coddle and pro mote Communists and then claim special immunity from legislative Investigation and exposure of the malefactors and "2 So that this issue cannot pos sibly be beclouded by unwarranted complaints that development of un favorable facts constitutes abuse of the witness: MRS MABEL SHUPE a bus while returning from a visit with her son in law and daughter Mr and Mrs Jack Adams of 2139 Armco drive The car according to the sher office was driven by Mrs Alice Bryan 58 of Columbus was alone at the time She will be questioned later as she was so upset that she was placed in the care of a physician Mrs Shupe had spent the weekend at the Adams home A month ago she accepted a posi tion as house mother of a i cottage at the Methodist chil drens nome in wortnington She formerly resided at 730 Homewood avenue but moved to the Adams home eight months i ago when she became ill When i Turn to Page Eight City Blanketed By Smoke Haze Zanesville was in the mist of 30 mile wide blanket of smoke and haze today and forecasters pre dicted increasing cloudiness with occasional light rains tonight Observers at the CAA communi cations station at municipaLjair port said the haze and smoke ex tended for 15 miles north and south of this city and as far west as Co lumbus but other areas were clear of this city and as far west as Co lumbus but other areas were clear Dust from storms in the midwest late last Saturday afternoon clear A visible on automobiles here Sat night as a result of showers The mercury stood in the low 40s on downtown thermometers early this afternoon after dipping to a low of 35 nt the airport this morn ing high reading was 55 Hi IBB fi I 4 I 1 HHPGs WE Un I 081 ft toll lli 5 'A IliHn Inll rCjjfflliCWi i A 171IH Al ifniWirl JgSSKgMgBjEgp iteff 1THE ZANESVILLE SIGNAL SI Newsnaner 7 north Cooler Associated Press KE A Telephotos AP Wirephotos northeast portion High 55 PhnnA Low 7 am 30 90TH No 236 ZANESVILLE OHIO MONDAY EBRUARY 22 195 1 (14 PAGES) IVE CENTS 1:00 Toda 42 High Low Boston rain 61 49 Chicago clear 50 27 Cleveland cloudy 57 35 Denver clear 62 40 Los Angeles clear 85 56 Miami clear 77 58 New Orleans clear 71 43 New York cloudy 55 51 Wash cloudy 53 42.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.