The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

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The Zanesville Signali

Zanesville, Ohio

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Wednesday Evening December 18 1935 THE ZANESVILLE SIGNAL Page Seven Huey Lone: Given Halo in School Mural ITALO ETHIOPIAN UR SHOP A Sensible Gift Plate Glass MIRROR $3950 XMU CADDY 12xl9j Inch 89c ft $595 So Things in Kitchen OR A REAL Special 4' ft 39 Name Mother Sister or Sweetheart Street CEDAR CHEST City State (Mall to Washington C) $13 95 up ELGIN! p19 OR RUIT CAKES ft CONTROLLED HEAT $3 95 25c Guy itz 36 5th St Zanesville Ohio mnm nr sevemh 10c 10 Solid sizes great 312 Premier Springs Sears Announce a New Department At Zanesville Store Assorted Tapestry Covers strong Sturdy Construction elted Cotton PULL UP CHAIR 39c 19C23c 5c to arrange luncheons teas parties Christmas entertaln and holiday receptions to fete distinguished guests Only the finest most ex(ensive Irons have it word that Ml while showing with the peace would provide to the Red Sea is the day Scars Is the place! Christinas sale Is on! A reve value giving to help gift A money Tlio death of Scnatoa Huey Long upset the plans of Philip Bell WPA artist engaged In painting the mural pictured above In the McKinley High School library at Washington Tlie group designated to de pict a group of living legislative leaders In parley Including Vice Pres ident Garner Senator Borah Speaker Byrns and Representative Snell Bell Indicated Long's death by painting a halo (see second figure from left) over the already completed portrait of the Kingfish POSTPON ENTERTA INM ENT The entertainment Coun try which was to have been given at St Paul A church riday Dec 20 has been Indefinite iy postponed A new ruling by the Department of Commerce states that Intentional In strument flights In broken clouds or overcast sky within 2 miles of an air way or within 25 mires of an air line airport may be made only by air line aircraft Buy your ur Coat Jacket Neckpiece or Muff now at January Clearance prices and have them to enjoy through the gay Holiday Season Rubber Buggy Bumpers Scorned As Voice Test If when you try to say "rubber boggy bumpers" your tongue feels as though it Is tying Itself In a knot worry You haven't a serious speech defect The difficulty Is the Inability to coordinate rapidly on similar sounds not stuttering according to the head of a university speech clinic The doctor admits that even he say It rapidly A Gifts or the Whole amily KRESGE DOLLAR STORE CHICAGO PITTSBVRGM ST LOUIS INDIANAPOLIS filmflA rrrfHrtlftns nearly all points Drop in or for full In formation GREYHOUND TERMINAL Bus in al North Ati St Phsne 413 I enclose herewith TEN CENTS In coin (carefully wrap ped) for a copy of the new for a copy of the new booklet SUCCESSUL PARTIES) PWA Purchasing Has Aided Steel Plants Washington Dec Belief that PWA steel purchases have made possible the Jones and Laughlin Steel $40000000 plant Im provement program was expressed to day by Secretary Ickes "I suspect that If it hadn't been for PWA purchases no steel company would have been planning to spend any such he said at a press conference "PWA purchases have teen the main part of their business for the past two years to the bureau of labor statistics PWA bought $260000000 worth of steel not Including ma chinery or equipment bought by con tractors" of all kinds Home made In our own candy kitchen Bulk or box Also Box Candy by leading Candy manufacturers SCHOOL PROGRAM A Christmas program will be' pre sented by the pupils of Kelly school at 8 o'clock riday evening The teacher Kinsey Invites the public to attend or Mother! 1Vliit would be fully automatic In Chromium plate full 6 lb size 6 lb Electric Iron Special $100 Orange or Lemon Peel lb ancy Citron pound pineapple or Cherries lb Nut Meats all kinds New Currants pkg New Raisins' 3 pkgs Dates large package Pitted Dates package White Raisins pound Imported igs pkg Sivansdown Cake Colors 15c 25c23c15c Tennessee Cedar 40 and 45 lnch In beautiful walnut' veneers A Christmas gift Tomorrow Die great latlon in hunters solve their problems saving fete which limited budgets will cheer Be generous Santa buy for your family and jour friends Prices like these make gift giving easy for all Use Our Easy Payment Plan Only Small Deposit Required Balance in Small Monthly Payments JEWELER Main Near Sixth uneral Thursday or Concord Man uneral services for Vessels 86 will be held at 2 Thurs day afternoon at the home on Main street New Concord where he died Tuesday following a brief Illness from pneumonia Rev Howard Bay Cum berland Dr Mark Roy and Rev Houk New Ooncord will officiate Burial will be in Mt Zion cemetery near Claysville Mr Vessels made his home on a farm In the Claysville vicinity until 25 years ago when he moved to New Concord where he became an active member of the United Presbyterian church Surviving are his widow Mrs Agnes Cooke Vessels four sons Mack and Scott of Columbus Wayne of Wheeling Va and Rollle of the heme one daughter Miss Margaret a teacher at New Concord seven grandchildren and eight great grand chldrcn A daughter Mrs Mldgle Stone died 17 years ago Continued from Page one scheme regardless of the opposition to It Another element cropped up In the corridor discussion of peace at Gen eva It was a possible abandonment of a united front for peace In favor Of a conception of relativity of peace In other words some delegates de clined toward accepting an unsatis factory peace in East Africa to keep the lid on the pot of European ani mosities rom Rome came Duce's supporters some dissatisfaction suggestions which Ethiopia with access believed Mussolini would accept the ranco Brltlsh plan with strong res ervations as a basis for negotiations Appearing grave and tired the Ital ian dictator stood among booted and spurred blackshirt guards at Pontlnta as he delivered his address calling to the nation to gird Itself for the task ahead war of the proletariat against egoism and hypocrisy" Today was "aith punctuated by the contribution of wedding rings to the war coffers by thy nation's women Queen Elena Invoking God to bring victory to Italy led the way by turning over her own and King Victor Emmanuel's wedding rings to the government Columns of women were to file past ceremonial points until nightfall Rough estimates Indicated married couples would give the nation more than $80000000 in gold A Reuters (British) news agency' Services at Newark or Accident Victim uneral services for Robert Mor row 56' father of Mrs Harold low ers Richvale road near Nashport were held Wednesday afternoon at Newark where he died from an in jury sustained Sunday when struck by an automobile near his home not far from Newark Burial was in Wil son cemetery at Newark The driver of the car which caused Mr Morrow's death was John An narlno of Daytcn Surviving the ac cident victim are his widow Clara two daughters Mrs loyd Lammon of redonia and Mrs lowers one grandson four sisters Mrs Philip Glelch of Chicago Mrs Mary Pur cell St Louis Mrs Minerva Swear ingen of White Cloud Kan and Mrs Martha Chambers of Missouri and two brothers Joseph of Pueblo Colo and Green Morrow of Missouri 29c 29c 45c 10 20 Reductions On All A CAB 'W IT a I I wB ra ira Eta Baa Style quality Workmanship 63 So 6th St Phone 460 Typical RoundTripsrM NEW 1OKK $1725 $1110 525 1525 825 to or a really sensible gift you hit on any thing better than a Simplex Ironer It will increase i her leisure and ease her what could be more welcome! This brand new nationally famous Sim CHRISTMAS The new Elgin Sport Watch Will Be in Place KITCHEN CABINET Hnniwood washable enamel porcelain work table White OJllV AS 95 OUy $5 Dow 111(2111 II Plus Small Carrying Charge IS jewel unbreakable cryital luminous index or 3 ftjure in dex dial non maanelic Main leas eteel ease etrap 12500 Also comet in 10K natural fold filled eaee with leather thong 13250 It's moisture proof! Even if it is dropped in enow it will never miss a tick or a special seal of oil repels every drop of mois ture keeps its etar timed move ment functioning with split second accuracy Come in today! Arrange to give him the gift select for him self a eturdy Elgin Sport Watch WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE Without And Jump Out of Bed io the Morning Rarin to Co The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily If thia bile is not flowing freely your food digest It just decays in the bowels Gas bloats up your stomach You get constipated Your whole system is poisoned and you feel sour sunk and the world lookspunk Laxatives are only makeshifts A mere bowel movement pet at the cause It takes those pood old Little Liver Pills to get three two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you and up" Harm less gentle yet amazing in making bile flow freely Ask for Little Liver Pills by name Stubbornly refuse anything else 25a THE NEW KATSAMPES North ifth Street Holiday Parties Every reader may obtain a copy of The Zanesville Signal household service booklet SUCCESSUL PAR TIES It Is new In style and content How bridge ments How bazaars arid progressive parties for your club or church group A special page on Christmas en tertainment In the home Illustrated with beautiful photo graphs showing artistic table arrange ments place card novelties decora tive effects for walls and furniture Available only through our Wash ington Information Bureau Enclose ten cents to cover cost handling and postage Use This Coupon The Zanesville Signal Information Bureau rederic Haskin Director Washington And now the inner spring mattress sensation of the sea son Thousands sold by Sears stores just in time for unconditionally guaranteed for 5 years Cov ered in durable stripe ticking full sizes only Special at Others up to $3495 Iron 3 time as long without getting tired 87351 WOMEN TOLD US ME SOMETHING OR MY WHEN WE ASKED THEM DO YOU WANT OR WE HAVE PLANNED THIS eiaoorave eiectricai Byevein wnicn zn eluded a telephone printing chorono I Lead Signal Classifieds graph and camera I I jpp COUNCIL MASONS TO MELT Stated aasemoiy 01 aanesvine wuu ell No 12 Royal and Select Masters will be held Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock In Masonic temple when the degrees of Royal Master and select Master Will be conferred on a class cf candidates Afterwards refresh ments will be served All council Ma sons are Invited to attend one way to "have your check and spend it Invest in a beautiful new Elgin and col lect a dividend of satisfaction every dsv for year to com You'll eay these 70th Anniver ary models are the handsomest ever seen Stop in today $2500 IN CASH Given With SEMINOLE TISSUE Come in and About It Rolls 25c 3c Du7 LIGHT IXTURES Complete Lines for Every Pur pose New Modernistic Styles GET THIS ONE OR 2 PIEOE LIVING ROOM SUITE Two piece Living Room Suite just the thing for those requir ing a low priccd good suite covered in homespun Others in different grades of covers from $5995 and up INNERSPRiNG BUTTRESS Welcome inis uranu iicwimuwwnjamvus plex Electric Ironer Both ends of the standard 26 gj inch roll are open Instantaneous pressure control On a convenient stand Saves hours of backbreak ing labor dispatch from Geneva said the Ethlo 1 plan delegate formally had rejected the Anglo rench proposals tor peace The Italian government protested to the league against the use of dum dum bullets by Ethiopian troops When Howard Hughes recently' broke the record for land planes his ship was clocked by an plaborfttft plATtr irnl avutprn which in MODERN 3 PC SUITES IN RICH WALNUT INISH 3 Pc Bed Room Suite in fine walnut finish consists of Vanity a with big triple mirror roomy chest of drawers and full size Poster or Panel Bed Other Suites up to $1399o olding Tables for ft Just like bridge aWes! You can write if and draw on the blackboard table i ft styles show Three kittle Pigs Big Bad Wolf Maiy T4 and her little Lamb etc ft Samson Juvenile Tables are not mere toys They are sturdily built and will last a ong abused A heavy man can sianu vu hurting it! Tops are scratch Smooth legs are not stained but dipped in color fast enamel Youngsters use them for reading and Also used as beach table bed reading and writing stands 21 sqt high Bright colors Made of the same fine materials as the famous Samson Card Tables for grown ups MAKE SOME KIDDIES Young Play Table The Samson Juvenile Solid Through and Through Christmas Oranges California lox 25c 35c 45c I lnrlila Oranges 5 lbs 23c Tnnrprlnex line 29C ating or Cooking Apples 10 lbs Groce Sliced Bacon lb Country Head Clicc'c ll Alt Pork Pnu Sausage lb Tender tube Steaks each Christmas Trees Homegrown and Treated All Sizes 50c and up We Deliver Them Screened 1 entilators Velvo Grip Handles Sisal Silencer Deep Tufted Button i "I vs 1 L' TN Vi I I 17 (Ox A i Tr 5 A A a CiMPTExJttONER Hl XSK Vv 3 in 1 1 I fess Ji 6 Suit I 1 i 3 jSwZh A A a Al OT1IIIMIW rv '7 0 I 3L BB 95 gWWiR I ii riftwonnT A Ad Aj Lt J'CZte lS JiXwii i'WWj3 i A IK I fgX ft A ft 1 I 1 7 I Vi i QiLgjjn i rv 4TVAwrAwm7 1' I Ki 95 BlnL J8 1 tf JKNSN' Esbw ra NX' atzksVw" fe rar tA MX B'S to LaMMMtoE" IT I II ZTrs I I 7x XW i atrfr sltj He iliJXa2 rr JiVH' 7 W'B I I a wx 7 3 HU STA'CT I O' if AR A YOU RX 8 ACKM 1J i a Ml 2 I I.

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The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 6246

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.