The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

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The Zanesville Signali

Zanesville, Ohio

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1 Tells the Truth VOL XLIV NO 143 ZANESVILLE 0 MONDAY EVENING JUNE 18 1923 OHIO EAGLES SETTING PACE OR ALL OTHER STATES RUHR IS SEALED just to prove he had MOTHER AND HERjHope to Satisfy 1 I I I I I I I I 1 All I A XXT a 11 rs rvi zxn a 1 un jA II I 1 fi 1 State President OJA5iBoth Council and of Eagles Gives IN AMWDEK St Raiway co ather and 3 Other Chil Pleasing igures i Sunday Auto Toll is as Do These Triplets Look Alike? Heavy as Usual both ill and unable to be ON BOTH PARTIES1? 1 i ft of the vener i to afford' an turvatcu 1 ivunj A mary and next election Pniirtepn Kfin naonH no In Vi ft Aerie Monday afternoon of the the progress being made by theeither of them have ever mlgsed raf lit Ua rvi ecu era a The boy had been separated in wait for the party accompanying of is INPRBBATEOflURT folk found turn io a saniianum nero ui vra A1on per Daugherty son of Attorney Local police have been asked tOj said to have been driven General Harry Daugherty whojasslst in locating A Hicks offtft A Bradford ave fled Sunday ihorning after being! Barnesville who is said to be mlss lnL Merrick ave the ormal Opening of the OIL TAKES DROP of Convention Was DOWN 25 CENTS ITALIAN TOWN Held on Sunday Evening or IS WIPED OUT WHILE SWIMMING'' SIX ARE DEAD ON 'I onv omH olnnfrtral hplld ottnrbnrl tn! DIED SUDDENLY HOLLYWOOD TRAIN ft 1ft a Candidate for President And Roasts Ku Klux Klan CITY IGHTS RAISE ON PHONE RATES STANTON 1 1 The first Reloading when oth 18 The cra been The were ot the other four occupants car in which Morrison was may die from their inju the presidency is talk There is noth who ox ronr Columbus 0 June 18 Daniel McNeal 40 was killed and James Underhill 17 injured when a five ton truck driven by Clarence Hanson accidentally backed into them while they were at work at the dam here to day Underhill is not seriously hurt according to hospital authorities The heavy truck ran squarely over McNeal's face fracturing both sides of his jaw and his skull at the base of the brain McNeal had been working at the dam only two weeks He is believ ed to be from near Cincinnati Un derhill said his home is at Peoria Union county Berlin blockade absolute POLICE ASKED TO HELP TO LOCATE BARNESVILLE MAN moble The motor club is also sup 1 plying maps and copies of traf fic rules free and the information bureau in the Chamber of Com merce building will be open tor the use of the visitors ree parking space has been pro vided on both sides of South ourth motor car reached 60 two more Hollywood police One of the cars was reported afire Every avail able conveyance and ambulance in the Hollywood district was rushed to the scene Percy Coleman was fined $l00o and costs in probate court Monday morning for posssslng liquor lie paid his fine A similar nor James Lowry and William Guffey of McKeesport Pa are trip lets even If they look It They have gone through school together have been graduated together and hope to go through the University of Pittsburg law school together KRIS WIE AND YOUNG DAUSHERTY SEL AND SHOOTS JUMPS INTO AUTO 0UR1NGARRIAGELEEST0 CANADA Los Angeles June 18 Six per sons were killed and a score or more injured today when a three eak A odV of them were seriously Several were slightly In i senes or motor accidents week end and while some VISITING EAGLE PAINULLY HURT IN ALL MONDAY I tne car is motion operator plays with one hand It is operated by Arthur Temmesfeld of Alliance and is known as the one man or chestra The selections played In front of The Signal building Mon day morning were thoroughly en joyed Mr Temmesfeld is here for the Eagle convention home hei early today He had been on duty almost to the hour of his death Springfield Mass June 18 Henry ord will not be a candi date for the presidency in 1924 The Detroit manufacturer so de clared just before leaving the city today ord has conducted a three day search in western Mas car and electrical neus anacnea to the rear It can be played with 4 3 nnT nrtvAix 1 opened fire as they approached The 11 year old daugh ter was wounded Smith then ran to a wheat field where he sent a bullet through his brain The wounded are Harry Wil hide father of Mrs Smith Mil dred Wllhide 16 and Beatrice Wil hide her sisters and rances Sax ton 11 daughter of the minister Smith jumped out ot the bushes according to the authorities and fired with a shotgun charge killed his wife the gun he fired again ers were wounded A posse of mountain body later According to the police the trag edy followed an elopement of the couple last March Parents of both parties objected to the match Mrs Smith it was said contemplated a divorce AND ENTIRE AREA IS NOW BLOCKED! HIP RACTURED IN ALL SUNDAY William Gorlfck is resting easily at the Bethesda hospital Monday morning Hollowing an accident (early Sunday when he fell from a hn ninwr nt liunrv SEVERAL INJURED IN MOTOR WRECKS OVER WEEK END Dayfon June 18 Physicians bankers and more business men have joined the ranks of objectors to the telephone service be ing received by local patrons Officials of the chamber of commerce and City Manager Eich elberger have been appealed to by complainants to bring about some relief The service has been branded as the most able" to which residents have ever been subjected Johnson a member of the city's engineering staff em ployed to collect data to present tn the fight against higher tele phone rates for Dayton has conferred with Attorneys John Harshman and MConnaughey It is said counsel for the city "will use the numerous complaints of poor service as one of the basic principles In their arguments against the proposed increases They will ask the state public utilities commission lor a special hearing on the service end slhe tuctl VU MVU VO vis 'W'W'tsavMsvx I UIIV 111 JJI pci tHI IV 4 IIU street south of South street in thetand latei Monday was taken to the rear of the patrol house South home in Brownsville ourth street and at the Treasure i elumleo garage on West Main Ktrnet Garages And Service sta tions have also promised quick ser lof lhe Eastern Star until August 71 vies to all automobiles having the owing to the redecorating which is: "Zanesville Guest" sign udng done to the meeting halls London June 18 An uncon firmed report reached Rome from Naples this afternoon that Lin guaglossa a community of 13000 souls has been totally destroyed by molten lava from Mount Etna said an Exchange Telegraph dis patch from Rome this evening A portion of Cerro was spid to have been wiped out also The flow of lava continues Intve no desire to be president of the United States" he said "1 am too much oceunied with my own affairs to become the next president and I do not Intend to run All this talk you hear about my name being associ ated with new spinier tag in it" Catania Italy June northeast section of Mt ter was in violent eruption today and a stream of lava destroyed the Castiglione depot Several streams of lava burst from the crater on Sunday accom panied by loud explosions Molten streams swept over I woods and fields obstructing the railway line The district about Lingua glossa was menaced social service at the University ot Cincinnati and before his advent to the faculty here taught at the Uni versity of Chicago Hamilton fatalities for 1923 yesterday when deaths were recorded os re sults of accidents in which au tomobiles figured Arthur Seamon 23 of 1211 Pop lar street a deputy marshal of Col lege Hill a suburb died at Gen eral hospital as a result of in juries received last week when the motorcycle sidecar in which he was riding was struck by a machine The driver of the car did not stop and efforts to' identify him were futile I Raymond Cliff 21 of 522 East ifth street chemist succumbed at General hospital to Injuries re (ceived a week before when in a collision In both cases fractured skulls caused death EASTEKN STAR There will be no more meetings Couple Eloped But ew Months Ago Son of Atty Gen Escapes from Sanitarium Referring to the Ku Klux Klan ord said: never be longed to any organization and never Intend to I think lhe Ku Klux Klan is un Ainer ienn and If 1 ln any orgaiil zation It would he nnc that require me to wear a mask" Boy and Girl Wife Had Been Separated That At Least is Belief of riends 62 IN CUYAHOGA Cleveland June 18 our per sons are in Lakewood hospi tal today with serious injuries while deaths of two others yes terday Increased the total traf Hc fatalities in Cuyahoga coun ty for 1923 to 62 jonn morris killed when the auto in which he was riding was struck by a Cleve land Southwestern and Columbus limited car In airview village James Phalen 32 died yesterday of injuries received when he walk ed in front of an auto in Cleve land Two of the riding ries At Toledo 11 persons were in jured but none of the injuries are expected to result fatally Battle Royal for Seat iri Senate JUMPS INTO AUTO Stamford Conn June IS or mal steps will be taken by the lo cal probate district court it was announced today to secure the re turn to a sanitarium here ot Dra There are 14 Candidates in ield June 18 ranco Belgian of the Ruhr made today when the entire PERCY COLEMAN PAID S'flOO INE New Yprk June 18 That Dra per Daugherty whose escape from a sanitarium at Stamford Conn has sent an army ot private detectives on his trail has tied to uanaaa was the belief young Broadway friends here today Rainier of Grammercy Square brother in law of Daugh erty has taken charge of the hunt Rainier now in Stamford inform ed friends here 'this morning that he had located the automobile in which Daugherty fled a mile from the sanitarium It is believed Daugherty caught a train toward tne Canadian border New York police had not asked to aid In the search family according to Rainier employing private detectives for that purpose The driver of the automobile in which Daugherty made his escape sain to be known to authorities ONE KILLED BY HEAVY TRUCK inell bdfth MINNESOTA MW SPRING SURPRISE ng City council is to have a newt nance granting water extension to street car franchise presented to itiit ailure to repeal an old ordi for action i nance relative to water main ex Thls was the report on the streefs tension outside of the city resulted Monday but whether it will be pro in holding up the work The main sented tonight or at a later meet is not being extended to Norvai ing of council could not be learned Park as has been stated 11 is understood it nas been or ls being prepared for civic organiza i tions with an eye to satisfying both council and the and and' regarded as fair to the citizens of! Zanesville I It is also "understood no action! looking toward the power fran chise will be taken since a new! rate has been filed with the public1 utilities commission It is understood the new rail franchise to be presented to coun cil Includes modifications ot all the features which have proven ob jectionable to the street car com pany and its bondholders also council Chief In these measures are the paving between car tracks the rate of fare and bus regulation Council is also to take some ac tion Monday night it is understood on making legal extension ot the water mains to the plant ot the Standard Tile Co This plant is lo cated along Maysville avenue and council recently passed an ordl ing and it is feared he Hicks is described as being five feet six inches tall weight about suit and The man has a necu liar walk caused by a nerVous dis order He is employed by a hard ware roncern at Barnesville and is a member of the Knights Pythias uHtieu mi nwmuiuio weie uimy Cambridge'Sunday afternoon when they rob ivashington June 18 Six little children ranging in age from six months to ten years were fatherless today because Aaron Rossignol a mechanic wanted to show that he had "nerve" Rossignol hired a commercial airplane to take him on a flight over the Potomac river While 60 feet above the water he crawled out on a wing and with a cry "I have plenty ot nerve!" he swung clear and dove His body hurtled over and over on its downward flight He struck the water with terrific Impact breaking his neck His wife and six little children sat in the family ord and watched He had not told them he intended a elix Rlgau pilot of the plane was arrested He told poltco he had at first refused to take Rossignol as a passenger and con sented only when the man informed him he had the consent of the manager ot the local amusem*nt park ord Says He Will Not Be (jured In over the of their injuries were very pain rui none hurt Mr and Mrs William Howell and their daughter Mrs Shaner and Mrs Bumbaugh and son Wayne were all injured Sunday evening when (their automobile was struck and overturned at Woodlawn avenue anq aaams Hagerstown Md June 18 Con cealed in a clump of bushes along a poadslde Roy Smith 20 of Woodsboro Md' today shot and killed his 19 year old wife seriously wounded her father' tw'o sisters and another girl and then commit UNA0N SERENADE OR THE SIGNAL The Signal enjoyed a serenade Monday morning from the electri cal unafon The unafon is attach ed to a ord coupe with a piano PRICE: THREE CENTS the loqftJ'Aerfe Many prominent Eagles withroughnut the coun try were'4MIei)t and the affair was largely atunded Attorney Burns of Hamil ton state vice president vas the principal speaker and discussed the old age pension law He outlined the method of operation rf lhe ft snactment and declared that Engles tvnlilA IlfllitZA uffritt let lira vu lhe propostion voted on by pie at the election this fall It is Washington June Political leaders of every shade of opinion in Washington had their ears co*cked to the northwest today where Minnesota is witnessing ar? 1' battle royal for the senate seat left vacant ty tne deatn able Knute Nelson The result in the Gopher state primary is exoectea illuminating insight into the po litical temper of the grain belt and the political map makers ot the capital will chart their respective course for 1924 with an eye on what is revealed in prl underwent aijief doles it a general strike broke is iiuw a pu Mr hay mow at the Klncheloe livery sachusetts towns for additions to barn on North ifth street where his collection of antiques ne is employed to a manger on tne ground floor He was found by fellow work men several hours after tne acci dent happened and taken to the Bethesda hospital Gorlick sus tained a fracture of the right hip and numerous cuts and bruises about the head and body but re (ports Monday say his condition is not serioua 1 NEW STREET CAR RANCHISE ORDINANCE BEING PREPARED OR CONSIDERATION Cincinnati June 18 Two mem bers of the family of Prof Earle Eubank of the University of Cincinnati were killed yesterday in motor accident at New Palestine I Ind The dead are his wife MrsMaud Stevens Eubank 34 years I old and their son Edward 7 Prof Eubank escaped injury but I minor Injuries were suffered by his three small daughters His wife and the boy were crush ed under their automobile when It overturned In plunging down an embankment after swerving to es icape collision with another car Prof Eubank for two years has been head of the department of picked up by a party In a Newhng from his "home since last Sat i York automobile Dauehertv was nrdav Relativea are mnrh mn formally committed for six monthsiCcrned over his disappearance an! on April 25 last after a probate it is said he left a brief note say court hearing ing and 4t Is feared he Daugherty was walking with two may have taken hfs own life attendants outside tne sanitarium i L'lllUllllS Mllltiav II1ULI1111K licit Hil automobile bearing a New Yorkes pounds wore grey license arew up uaugiLviiy uuubu stray hat i his attendants ana leapea into car which sped away I ather and 3 Other Chil dren Escape order in sernrine its nassiiee anil 'urged all the delegates to stand for Initiating ot a referendum on the JlirtLSUlC ab LL ILUVV LUUU3 VX1U1L man Burns will not be able to re main here during the convention but will be forced to go to Cincin nati this evening as he has a case In the federal courts there At the opening session a partial report of the credential committeewas received and the reports of the state officers were made It Is said the convention is the largest ever held by the state aerie and the delegates are well pleased with the progress being made in disposing of the buslitf ss on hand ollowing the addttJL Pf State President Berrodln rfie convention adjourned for one hour for luncheon At tlie afternoon session much routine business will be trnns acted and tlie nomination of officers will be Held A district caucus will also be held late this afternoon for the purpose! of electing state delegates to the national convention willed will lie held in Denver Colo August 1 12 rom 5 until 7 Mon day evening the annual eler of officers will be held in K(o'm 60 in tlie Hotel Rogge The (Sunday afternoon and escorting del legates to the various hotels and I rooming houses Every conve I ntence and comfort is being provid cd for the visitors and many are the guests ot private families while in Zanesville The Muskingum Motor club is as sisting in entertaining the visitors and has issued cards entitling the delegates to all the privileges cf the club Stickers with rhe cap tion "Zanesville have been' given our ana arc io ne piacea ontryjng to dislodge it a large limb the windshield of the auto on the standing tree broke and struck him on the head He was also iiijre internally 1 The accident happened near Gratiot id afte rbelng given firsil aid Mr Watkins was taken to the' hospital in Newark where death occurred The body was taken to CTatlot and pi epared for burial The formal opening of the state proposed to have the law voted on convention of the raternal Order of Eagles was held at the lJutnam airdome Sunday evening and the meeting was in charge ot Stanton past worthy president of Labor Wage Revolt ac ing Government I All Laboring Men Are Millionaires STREAM LAVA MENACES TOWN Pittsburg Pa June 18 The Joseph Seep Agency here buyers for Standard Oil announced ef tlve at 10 a today an aver age decline of 25 cents a barrel for crude oil at the wells New prices are: New York Transit 8325 Bradford District 3325: National Transit 33 North west Pennsylvania Pipe Line S3: Eureka Pipe Line S3 Cording grade 3170: Cabell 3171: Som erset medium 155 Somerset light 3175 Ragland' 90 cents: Buckeye S3 HENRY BERRODIN Akron President State 1 several lockers in the bath house at Moxahala park It is re ported they secured about 816 in cash a silver watch and several car tickets '4 Albert Ross of Kelly street lost the watch and some little cash aiec rea was taKen to tne item sna car icuhib were laaen wnue sda hospital where he Was foundihe was tn the park pool about to have sustained several fractured 4:30 and it Is alleged an rlbs and a dislocated right shoul cther man said to have bean from der He is not serious His son McConnelsville lost the sum ot and Hyslop were taken to the Pal iSl 5 in cash and a pocketbook No ace Hotel where they are suffering trace of the thieves had been from minor cuts and bruises Monday i attorney Thomas Long aged 30 of Cleveland who is in this city attending the convention was painfully hurt at 10 o'clock Monday morning when he fainted vzhile walktag along Market street near Third and in falling struck his nose and face against an auto mobile parked along the sidewalk He was removed to the Bethesda hospital where it was found his nose and face were terribly bruised 2Q wo ineM4urU4 uv'buwub injuries naa oeen auto Jn wh ch he rcstinS Mr: Ragland recently serious operation and tient in a Cincinnati hospital Hydjayvas also operated upon sev eral weeks ago and is how confined to the home of his daughter at Parkersburg Va Both are prominent in Eagledom in Ohio this is the first convention "Ohio ranks first over all the aeries in the United States" de clared Berrodin ot Akron State president of the raternal Order ot Eagles in his opening ad dress at the 20th annual conven tion of the order which wqnt into executive session In Memorial hall Monday morning led in mem bership last tlie speaker continued "but Ohio came tlie trout by leaps and hounds during the past year and lias increased Its membership over last year by over 13000 There tire now over 70009 Eagles In he declared Ohio has also shown Insurance gains during the past year and ac cording to President Berrodin now ranks second in the United States Ohio is also first in the number of aeries owning their own lodge Jtomes "One sixth of the membership of all fraternal orders in Ohio are Eagles" the speaker declared The opening address by President Berrodin Monday morning contain ed many items ot vital interest to the raternal Order of Eagles and (went Into detail' concerning bus! ness matters which had been trans acted during the past year andwhich were to be disposed of at the sessions here ine convention room in Memorial hall was crowdedwith visitors and the message was listened to with great interest Practically the entire morning was consumed in hearing! the message and the' appointing qf the various commit i jverr vnoynsai or san rancisCX grand worthy pres ident arrived In tills city Sun day and is one ot tlie big men of the convention He did not arrive at tlie convention hall until about 11 30 Mon riot ti nml villliil list luvniilllu HUM ii 11V made his appearance the dele gates arose to their feetjud gave mra an oration Colonel Choynski was cheered to the echo and it was several minutes before culet was restored and the convention could 261 back to bus iness He will remain here through mi3 Vi a onn imntJrn enH will orlrnco I A A I ft 1 Al I ft 0 V4io UVUtCUUVH UUUilS ALO OC5O4UU xiexe nunng tne morning session Burns ot Hamilton chairman of the Eagles' Ohio old age pension committee gave an interesting talk' nue The occunants of the car who "(were pinned beneath were rescued rvv D9OGfirelv ovsrl oJion I a ft atv tion was offered i Mr Howell had a bad gash on his right knee which required five stitches to close Mrs Howell was taken to the Bethesda hospital (suffering from a wrenched elbow on the right arm and numerous cuts and bruises and after treat ment was discharged Mrs Bum baugh and her son were badly shocked and sustained a few mi rnr ininriac while JYfro sustained severe bruises about the! tion head and arms All will recoyer I A woman said to reside in Sorn lMrWT 1 T3 HATinrH erset was slightly injured at noonyllv nKr kIIkKhIj Sunday when the ord in which' rlUu llVlzJLzLilz she was riding was struck by al larger car on Maysville avenue near Norval park She was able to continue on her journey aftei iiicuicex aiieuiiuu nau ueen ouereu Pc McCrea ot Springs Pa hfs son John and William Hyslop littsburg were painfully injured at noon Saturday when the front wheels buckled on tlie automobile In which they were riding near 'Gaysport and overturn ed the car over an embankment 1 McCrea was taken to the Beth Ben Watkins of Brownsville who wau fatally injured when a tree fell on him while at work on riday died about 12 o'clock Bun di night in the Newark hospital He was assisting In the work of felling a tree and it lodged on an other As and others were I tft A HrviVv tu mniutic ii njifeu iiuim uita WM8 seaiea inej last German railway leading from (the occupied to the unoccupied: parts of Germany was seized by the linch It is now impossible for the Germans to move freight eith er vvny between the occupied and unoccupied zones threat ening hulustrinl collapse The Cuno government today is faced with a labor wage revolt which threatens to get beyond con trol of the trade union leaders The latter have just sent a warnng to Chancellor Cuno which is a repeti tion of the warnings ot June 2 which remained unanswered Labor wants a svveepng read i justment of wage scales insisting that the American dollar or the gold mark be set up as the basis Germany today is a country where every workman is a mil lionaire but tlie more millions he gets tlie less he can buy for Ills paper marks because prices keep pace witli tlie rise in the value ot the dollar Saving Is useless for the same reason German masses are living from hand to mouth This is gradually undermining the morale ot the people Sporadic strikes are breaking out everywhere with the rank and file ignoring the veteran leaders Meanwhile the reds are active en listing recruits among the discon tented and rebellious ranks ot the unions The present wek finds the government in a critical position while awaiting a decisive answer to the latest reparations note ad dressed to the entente Internal labor storms are brew ing which may easily develop into a general strike But the trade union treasuries are depleted and it would be Impossible to give re a rmnoral efrilra nrnlfA out Unions have found It Impos i slble to increase dues proper tlonately to the rise in the value of the dollar Consequently If a general strike rHl nnt nnma flhnnt Lt WnllM bfi forced by the Irresistible pressure ted suicide according to the po of the working masses and thus an lice nrani cr nrniilH ha rrivan fnr fhf reds who might quickly gain the from his wife for a week He lay nnnpr hand 1 A big meeting of the heads of Rev A Saxton in a carriage and tne various unions nas Deen caueo for next Thursday It may have a decisive effect upon the future German labor Marietta June 16 Ormund two hands or one hand and when (Butler 60 commander of thc the car is in motion the operatorjunited States government marine plant at Marietta in charge or supplies TOr LOCK ana a am wvfk uii iujuicu tuuay nucn a unuc the Ohio and its tributaries be car Pacific Electric train rounding tween Wellsburg and Point Pleas a curre jumped the track and over ant Va died suddenly at his turned according to a report to the fourteen Minnesotans are in th field tor the Nelson seat nine Re publicans two Democrats and three armer Labor candidates No political leader of any conse IJUCUbn UVUIU UO iUUim ill L1183 tai today who would hazard an opinion as to the outcome It I an off year puzzle which defies? analysis they declared 1 Ordinarily Minnesota could be Wvf counted upon to send a conserve tlve Republican to the senate but 2 the revolution that occurred last a November when Senator rank Kellogg was swept to defeat and the farmers ot th? northwest voted Hendrik Shipstead fl into the senate as armer only representative in the upper house has completely upset all of the charts upon which the party managers in Washington usually fl base their calculations 4 Whether the political temper of Minnesota is tne same now as 'it I was in November will be revealed today and on July 16 Neither Democrats or Republicans are overly confident Both Republican and Democratic I headquarters in Washington were busy today arranging to shoot an avalanche of support for their spective candidates into Minnesota beginning with tomorrow or 1 tour weeks og until July 16 when the special election will decide the winner Minnesota is to be catn ii palgned from stem to stern by national orators ot both parties President Harding himself will dip into the fight indirectly devott ing some of the speeches on hit forthcoming western trip to an swering the complaints ot the farmers over low prices and high' freight rates At least two of Mr speeches will deal with these problems and thy will be given wide distribution in Minne sota The administration Is i keenly: concerned Over the Minnesota out come It seat is filled with a i Democrat or another armer La Dor senator it means that the nar row Republican majority in ths i next senate will be cut to six votes a margin so thin as to give ad ministration leaders distinct un easness when the independence ot such Republicans as Borah Lafol et al is taken into considera bly the Initiating of a referendum Mayor Slater delivered the address of and the re sponse was given by Berro din of Akron state president ot the order Rev Hazen pastor of the air Oaks Baptist church de livered the invocation Preceding the program a delight ful concert was given by the orchestra under the leadership of Mrs Katherine Bauman Geis Sev eral excellent vocal numbers were also given by the male quar tet and the program closed with the audience singing "The Star Span gled vii tzv vx a I 4 a am 4h I local aeriewere busy meeting trains A A I I IJITDT ffornonn a twl ocAGri IrrrrZIol ll al I 11 I Hjiiuuaj a nvwx uu vv A BaJAJ A II VAI A BY ALLING TREE The telegrams wished them a speedy recovery! THE COMMITTEES At the business session Monday morning President Berrodin ap pointed the following committees: State ot the Order Eldon Hayes Wilmington John Gra ney Youngstown Joseph Dowling Dayton Charles Seidenfeld Mur ray City Resolutions Burns Ham ilton Rennie Akron A Hubbard Alliance Audit King Delaware Joseph Sweeney Cincinnati Wll i Ham rame Elyria Credentials Charles Schart sotoria A Weber Lorain George Pyle Bellaire Elections rank Russell Tif fin John Abel Marion Mc Kown Mt Vernon Grievance and Appeals Tom Gears Murray Peter Barrows Nelsonville Dr Bucher Day ton LI 1 LIB Lv Valil31 1 I Cleveland Roy Hoverman Del charge against his wife T5 rnrmn DfGSSGd Publicity Eise Galion! Coleman is the proprietor of a William Holmes Zanesville A Lisoft drink parlor in the flatiron Basehart Zanesville (building at Putnam and Maysville Ritual Arganbright Co lavenues The place has been un (Contfnued on rage 2) Ider suspicion for some time and Ia4az4 eoT'ora! Mtvxaa wifnAtlf rfi (suit Saturday night it was raided by city and county officers Prose cutor Maxwell having been boosted through a window to the second floor This window is near a sink and accoring to the prosecutor when Mrs Coleman saw the offic ers she ran to pour the corn whis thc sink The prosecutoi her and took cnarge hooh which was in a nan AIR Columbus June 18 air and continued warm tonight and If pt obablv local thun I rfer snorters Tuesday in ex I treme northwest portion £gTHE ZANESVILLE SIGNAL Australian ballot system will be used and it is expected a large vote will Ire cast The result of the election will be announced immediately after Hie vote is closed During the session Monday mqrnlng the convention sent tele grams to Howard Ragland of Cincinnati grand worthy vice president and A Hyde of Ma rietia past state president are i ait Mat Si Wwmwywmw (I 1 '1 iLftA ilf I i.

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.