The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

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The Zanesville Signali

Zanesville, Ohio

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Will II Wul I wr ei 4 '1 b7'' J4 tALL puts new wrinkle in oil probe by refusing to testify HE ZANESVILLE SIGNAL Prints the News 4 ZANESVILLE 0 SATURDAY EVENING EB 2 1921 VOL XLIV NO 339 PRICE: THREE CENTS LIE EBBING AWAY DOCTORS MAKING DYING HOURS COMORTARLE AS POSSIBLE Washington eb Woodrow'Wilson was clinging to M'AMD WIS 10 TELL HIS SIDE into the room and he signed to her to come closer Advice to Young Lovers seems to her men a basis THREE KILLED IN PAINULLY HURT during the A GAS EXPLOSION MOTORCYCLE SKIDS HOWAT WOULD START A RIOT ACT NOW New Story Begins Today leases and Uno to time hu left the house for yard back in busy war days 'J isv aS a Cloudy onaoiy rtiorr Anxious to Appear Bc fore1 Committee 1 Indigestion and Divorce Are Pals Says Pastor in to: hog Gregory govern recover reserve railroad supreme Mine convention ended when Alexander Howat fiery Kan sas miner leader under suspension tried in vain for a hearing of his case before delegates Refused recognition Howat made a break for the platform amid scenes of wild disorder He was seized by several miners and forci domestic science before 1 school Besides men like the sort of girl whose idea of marriage in cludes children" When the bands played to the arid Woodrow Wilson responded to the plaudits of thethrong and smiled back a friendly greeting to the cheers of his admirers After a long consultation behiml'L A notbcr development fiorn Mr closed doors the committee aii Euhenys testimony uus the Ussu nounced that the senates would of a statement by the Wlnt i House Indicatlmr Hint Thnmns Woodrow a battle with and steadily Gians are making ms last nours as comioriame ai jS: Jess as possible by frequent injections ot opiates Early this afternoon they admitted that their slightest moments The nurse and the doctor moved quietly atfay Then she went choking from the room and the patient dropped back exhausted from the effort The medical chart this morning showed that Air Wil vitality was getting lower and lower lilt LI 1 1 1 VI Lit 1 1 I ct 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 'J I IL Ulluvi til uOLl ij'st boat at the licg Island navy i bulletin on Mr Wilson's condition V21rt in Imuir zl ct tt tittla 1r liuuii! nlxoil' 1 tt moment the may snap family are the former wrecked by poor cooking A girl may be ablq to do fancy sewing but that does not inane NU THE MOST STRIKING unusual photos of Woodrow yion Snapped during an ad Cffi in in 18 while outllnhur the Dusts of thr allies in the war nd explaining his lamotis fourteen uace nuints lit io Lane vpta UTnd has no ntuti 'exhausted to talk Our efforts in the main are directed to ward keeping him dition has faded He is growing steadily weaker the tre mendous vitality that enabled him to stand off death for four years is getting lower and lower only a question of they said in reply to all questions by newspaper men there Kansas City Mo eb 2 Three persons were known to have been killed a score of others injured many seriously today in a gas explosion which occurred the basem*nt of the Balley Reyuolils Chande lier Company Washington eb A i Ison was fighting death this morning losing ground With and a spirit so Indomitable that it challenged the ii tmiration of the sorrowful little asked on Monday to go through the formality of authorizing It to continue tho Investigation so as to meet objection Ou tlie basis of the belief tluit tlie authority would lie granted without objection an other subpoena was issued or dering all to come back on Tuesday to testify While scheduled ap pearance was the "outstand ing of the Teapot de velopments Democratic ranks in and out ot congress were virtually thrown Into a panic today as a result of the start ling revelations of Doheny to tlie committee that lie had nt various times 'employed four members of the Wilson cabi net Secretary of tlie Treas ury McAdoo Secretary of the Interior Lane Attorney Gen oral Gregory and Secretary of War Garrison McAdoo Dem ocratic candidate for tlie pres idential nomination Is still in Doliciiy's employ and bus liceti paid $250000 for services In tlie lust four years Hie oil man said connection witA Dohe of Girl Makes a Good Dr Koppel is one ot the leading min isters ot this City According to the learned rever end omy real love oners for a happy marriage all young men and knew that and were strong to act upon It th re would allures in marriage" he "Behind a mutual physical tion there should lie a strong har mony ot deeper feeling between the two physical natures Mar riage Is no joke It is a serious a quick turn in the cold ebruary air to drive away the lethargy that comes troni long lost sleep Tne nurse was always there and: ilsonwho has been his con smnt companion1 and nurse through: toty bard years was in and out of Hie room throughout the night An Intimate picture of the scene in tnorooni where Mr Wilson Iles dying was given today by the nurse who has been constantly at his bedside since early riday morn Market St 1 I ff iumKi vOHi lek IU1 A' I 1 111 a UIUHIII AV f0 hultz Putnam Ave i Putnam Ave totiigi tompq moans and irrnans iijdii csvnv nib ups invoiuutnr ily that we know he is suITer Then lie is given a hjpo 1 dermic of 'Mr Wilson according to the nurse has been under the influ ence otmorphine almost constant ly since the came in the early hours riday morning Like Dr Grayson he nurse was reluc tant to describe the serious turn In tho ex president's condition as a paralytic stroke "He seemed to be she declared suddenly he was seized with a violent pain about 2 riday morning and from that time on his condi tion bus grown steadily worse i times his1 mind clear and usually when it does lie calls tor Mrs Wilson They talk for awhile and then ills speech be comes incoherent His strength group about his bedside the form er President survived the long night And when the dawn arr other day flushed up over Hie quiet red brick house in street he was still fighting off the end' stub bornly gamely but always weak er AS POSSIBLE The new story ool" starts In paper the first chapter appearing on the editorial page It is one of RafaeJ incomparable stories and is historical inls way and is replete with both adventure and romance It is bright with color has a gripping interest and is full of intense situations in fact there is action from the first chapter to the last and you should read it as it appears from day to dav in The Signal Washington eb 2 At 11:30 a a bulletin was is sued on ex President condition as follows: Wilson is irrowinir steadily weaker i tn fnl vprv Hl nnnrishnwnt He nas natl some Sieeu Jttm inar vvi isnn nrosonr st TIrt nnnn7ir Ihn'n nhoiif blnl llllf Inn 1 court and Senator Walsh Dr mo crat of Montana who was chiefly responsible for uncovering the oil Kase scandal also were said to bs under consideration Seeking to get tho story of the leases the house naval af fairs committee continued its ex amination of high ranking naval officers Roar Admiral John Robison said to be the originator of the policy to exchange qu iur iiarvor nnpiove menu and storage tanks was (I UltIVl V4LUCJa Hamilton eb 2 Plana are being completed today forj the home coming celebration to bewil dered Lieutenant Corliss Hooven Griffis when he arrives from Ger many At a joint meeting of com mittees of lhe chamber of com merce and tlie American Legion last nlglit It was planned to meet Griffis at the train with bands and committees bf citizens and escort him to tlie home of his parents A dinner is to be given in his honor following which a mass meeting is to be held at which Griffis is to formally welcomed by the city of Hamilton PRAY OR WILSON Washington eb A pray er was offered in tho house of repicsentatjycs today for Wood fmv Wilspn ij ItZmarfied the opening of tjie session and was delivered by thcL Jiev antes shera Montgomery the blind chaplain a i Livery bulletin from haggard and sleepless physi cians every word that came from the relatives who watch ed helplessly In tlie sick room emphasized that Hid magnifi cent fight which Sir Wilson Is putting up is a fruitless one is only 11 question ot they agreed may be only a few hours It may' be 21 or 4 they do not believe it can ue longer At anv slender thrgad of life The doctors' and the for it So is President himself rom time to time tong night vigil lie indicated iin intstanabiy to those in tlie sick room that he believed their efforts were in vain that this time after four Jong years ot invalidism and hewjis really going His courage and his cairn resig nation to tlie inevitable made the sorrow of those around him all the more poignant They could not speak of it except with shaking voices and tearful eyes There were frequent injections of morphine during tlie night and early tills morning They eased tlie pain and provided periods of easy slumber In which lie i ap peared to be resting eaaily But tt was an unnatural rest and one Hint it was realized could not long bo maintained There were times too when ids mind w'andered tn partial delirium due perhaps to the drugs but always it came back to rationalism and the calm ac ceptance ot the situation It was ilcfinilely determined toiluy that Hie former Presi dent sutTered another stroke early riday moruhig and Hint I lids was tlie which i his doctors mentioned Coming I on top of (ho dlgcstlie dislurb mice Im cxiwrletiecU Wednes day tlds proved the ail but fatal blow It was a similar stroke in tlie White House four years ogo that almost cost his life and left him Hie semi invalid he has been since he retired to private life His svs tem will not stand another The doctors marvelled at his frail con stitution having survived the one It was a sleepless night but a quiet ono around the Wilson home 'Dr Cary Grayson chief of Hie attending physicians spent tlie night there again most ot the time In the sick room watching the un easy slumber of his patient and only occasionally stealing away for few respite rom 1 mrlien lie 1 4 zv vt I a i 1 a cenler today The witness added that 1 had offered one other cabinet of 8 1 fleer a $50000 a year joh while he was In office and it later was ai ceptedr Under oath Doheny swore that he paid $250000 to the law firm of which Wilhum Gibbs Mu Adoo former secretary of thj treasury is a member that $2000 was paid by the Dohenv Intervals to Thomas Wait Gregory Just named by Calvin Cool idge as his Democratic selection tn the council to prosecute civil and criminal eases growing out of bo oil scandals that ranklin Luneformer secretary of the interior: was employed from the time hu left cabinet until his at $50r000 a year and that Linu ley Garrison former secretary of war had been indirectly em ployed by Mr Doheny All fouc men were in Wilsons cabinet None Retained While li Wilson Cabinet eb iVilllmh McAdoo nn med bv Doliphy before Hie semi I pub yf lie lands onimilttee reslcnln uH one of four members of cabinet bf Woodrow WIImu Blio lild been employed afler the left the cabinet bv the oil liileresls of Mr Doheny ml Vised Senator Walsh of the committee last tdglit that hev desires to appear before I lie investigators of oil leases i Clings to Life by Very Slender Thread All Hope Abandoned Hr hpsifaforl hopes of a turn for the better in the former con Said it looks as though Says Passage of Walsh Resolution Ends Senate Probe and Will Not Take Chance ol Incriminating Himself But Probers Not Baffled ilUUM 1 1 iLL I Jiai ilUllldS Gregory iformer attorney genci al1 a nrl nno nf ttvzs ilbne flAn UII I vuv vt nxxz VIJICI IHIVU tuillivi' Wilson cabinet members the oil magnate mentioned as luvl ng been! In' his employ may not sene a special counsel for the govei ninini in the prosecution of suits grow tip out of tlie oil 'lease investlgatibn j' 5 The White House statement said "Air Gregory is on his way her 1 at the: invitation ot the presiding for' the purpose ot conferring vvittf the President In regard to Hie ployment in the oil lease cases rep resenting the government as prevu ously stated to the public In view i of the statement 'of Mi Dolicny Hi it Mr Gugorv had been his it IUIIICJ' ItliLL Vflll'IUJ IIIVAH Illlglil an embarrassment to Mr Greg and perhaps otherwise would improper" Itccallcd (o tlie witness stand: by 3b scuale commiMevw which lias been Inrestigatlng Teapot Dome and Elk Hills oil 5 leases Mr Doheny was sub e(i to a searching cross examination during which lit i testified that lie had employ) four members of Wootfrow cabinet after tla left office ns well as Allicrt all who was mendier of ta Warren cabinet to whom Mr iDohenv loaned i 1 1 ILrt 41 (I A in hiur 1 1 1 1 i I the former was secretai of the in enerai dueitelior W(13 tie ony government afternoon0ffiCja wjj0 recejVei from the oil issued by Admiral Grayson at 8:30 a Wilson had a fairly restful night but continues to gradually lose When he had given out the morning bulletin Dr Gray son said: Wilson reilizesthefiglH is over but he is making a game last stand It breaks me all up to see the struggle he is making Ilis impossioie io say now long ne may last nut gradually ebbing away The end may come at any There were tears in his eyes as he spoke and his voice jins i 4 Nihon is the bravest VllS choked "With emotion nianl have ever she 'Shortly after 8 this morning the former Presi dared mice has he dent was conscious and very very weak Airs Wilson came X't 1mnsCuffera'l'itTXy into the room and he signed to her to come closer Shc the expression ot his face anil leaned over tlie bedside and he whispered to her for a few ft' ruts Up Game ight But Losing Battle With Death TO GIVE GRIIS REAL WELCOME Tremendous Vitality That Enabled MAKING DEATH Him to Stand Oil Death for our Years Getting Lower and Lower as End of Today Draws Near matter into which wo mny un thinkingly Tlie woman who has no love for the home is unsexed in the belief of Dr Koppel She has' missed her calling Then striking at the core of ills topic he said: man likes the sort of girl who will do her best within her means in fixing up a home If the table linen looks as it soap costs 1 10 a cake because the wife is en then that woman is driving husband away from home No wonder there are so many afraid to tret married sort of cirl who makes fl leood 'wife Is one who knows how women to cook! Many a home has been euougll be few opines atlrac i Washington eb 2 ol Washington eb At 1:15 Dr Grayson of left the Wilson home for a short time leaving Mrsj stated that are di Wilson sitting by her bedside vital rected toward keeping him ity is lowering said the physician I Dr Grayson was asked that" mipan JnrC TT viwv i me unis aiceinoon oy une bienuerebL oi vineaus ms piiybi that you are making Mr rQTia wnL nia luar nnnrc ac nnminrran nnn mw nuni U1G ULU AMWU VULMX VI VIXMAV OUH Jjj UCrtLll its UaSV US He I z'm'n ACV 1 DID GROUND HOG DEE nlD DnAUuW by I 8th viu nc or aid no not aurf jtf mat is tne quseuon referring topecuv Mr Ground Hog If be did wo wiUUwe th have si: more weeks of winter andlacted 1 it he did not spring is here Weather forecasters say not faith in the ground either way but some of us do But uruav was Ground lotr dav I rt'i A a 14 1 a 1111 L1LV OU1I UllA JilifJILy lilltv Ishining around here if he came out at noon he might have seen his ibiiadov dimly seems to ebb from him and lines of intense suffering come into his Thess short talks with Mrs Wilson usually come after the ef fects of the opiate have partially worn oft she declared and after wards it is necessary to adminis ter another hypodermic "riday afternoon he was able to sleep several hours During the night his sleep was fretful and he appeared more worn than at any time during hi illness" She declared that Hie ex president is subsisting solely un chicken broth He is urged to take lids as often as pos sible she said but lie has no appetite He ate only once on riday That was at 3 o'clock in the afternoon mid then he was able to swallow only a few spoonfuls of broth Admiral Grayson is rarely ab i sent from the large bedroom on the third floor of the street home where ills distinguished patient is fighting for life loves Dr declar ed ths nurse "and at those times when his mind seems to wander Dr Grayson's name is often on his lips He speaks a great deal too of Mr Baruch and of others whose names we are unable to distin guish want to give the impres sion that Mr Wilson is out of his mind" sho satd is only de lirious as anyone as sick as he would be under the circ*mstances in fact remarkable that his faculties are as clear as they are is game" she said the bes way to describe him Tlie only complaint that he ever makes is that ho is too hot or too cold or that lie would like to have the bed clothes She declared that no operation of any kind had been performed and that apparently none was con templated It is felt by Admiral Grayson and the specialists in at tendance that Mr Wilson would be unable to survive the effects of an anaesthetic Asked if in hci opinion Mr Wilson bad any chance of re covery she reported hi tlie negative only a question of she said may be bon and It may lie two or three days but not more than Messages without number poured into the stricken household today They came from everywhere from Virginia where he was born from New Jersey where he first rose to political prominence from all parts ot the nation he so long presided over and from the far off countries ot Europe where he attained an eminence that has been accorded no other American in his tory Delivery ot them was temporarily discontinued last niglit because of the desire lo have the night as quiet as possible about the house I But early this morning messengers fairly staggered to the house with overnight loads ot them Ibc doctors were agreed to day that it did not seem possi ble for Hie former President to lose niucli more ground Since early riday morning It has been ono steady recession from an already serious condi tion Tho first callers at the Wilson home this morning were Cordell Hull chairman of the Democratic national committee and secretary ot Commerce Herbert Hoover one ot the ex Presldent's neighbors They left their cards but did not enter the house It was understood that another WELL ALONG THE Wood row Wilson in a Jubilant mood whistling away at the time of Hie launching of the Philadelphia eb? 2 Indigestion and divorce arc boon companions girl who can make a pie can make a good impression on a heart lappers court Lady Nicotine just to shock their elders They do the unconventional things for the same reason A girl whose definition ot marriage does not in clude babies get married These are the nuggets contained in the Rev Christian expressed opinion on Sort I grossed in some outside activity' IN LIQUOR CASES Tho Muskingum county pan4o board can neither remit fine suspen I sentence in liquor cascGs I his annotfncment whs made at the 'meeting of the riday? lafternoon ylid prevents further ae toard in any liquor comuhfincewith pcently became rf lasos coming day were not' I IKsr TO ENKOLIi Tntlla rvf A Izl upi ItlbllVIU tt township is the first man to enroll eJecteu In IX ill vtirj 11V1V LUI I VIUI I'JVlMUd which were received in Muskingum county Saturday He will raise ai Holstein calf this year and the records made will he kept on file I Ex Sec all Stands on His and Refuses to Testify home riroO'Artrlo nzinn Ant I vrrtll Every girl should have a course in ny has eliminated him as one of1 zx fl i rt Lorn "rt IrtAfflrt cr special counsel to prosecute the a enr governments oh case it wa strongly indicated at the White House After a conference with! thA affninuv frarwrol HtioJ in Washington this 1 resiuent Coolidge was expected tO magnate money while in Hie feder unnniini thilmuru of hl I i iai service so pomrment ed' on the possible selection of a substitute for GresrOrv to act with (Silas Strawn Chicago as spe Clarence Orwig aged 17 of Van dial counsel Crawford Biggs BurCn street delivery clerk at the'lUHetgb was prominently Herron and llerzer pharmacy wasimentioned He has been named as palnlully injured at 4:30 clock'assistant to Strawn and riday afternoon when Hie molor In 1320 he handled the ejcie lie was riding skidded on successful suit in ifth street bridge and threw hlnqing the Elk Hills naval to tlie floor ot tho bridge ifrom the Southern Pacific Young Orwig was rendered un Justice Brandeis ot the conscious by the accident and was picked up by a passing motorist and taken to' the Clinic' building where ids injuries were dressed He sustained several severe bruises labout the head and face bull his injuries are not serious it is! said i i oung Orwig was recently dis Indianapolis eb A near missed from the Bethesda hospital riot occurred today as the United re uc was conimeu tor several wepks with a broken right leg suf fered when lie collided wltli an antomobile driven by William Sehaiini while driving the motor cycle at ourth nnd Main street Washington eb Declaring that he would stand on his consti tlonal rights not to take any steps that might incriminate him form er Secretary of the Interior Albert all appeared before the senate public lands committee today but flatly refused to answer any ques tions bearing on the leasing of oil lands to Doheny or Harry Sinclair all challenged the right of the senate liommittee to examine him concerning the 1100000 and $25 000 loans which be received from Doben and Sinclair on the ground I linac tne investigation had now I uccn taken out pt tne hands of tlie senate by tlie passage of the Walsh resolution authorizing President CooUd03 to proceed In the courts to cancel tho leases I The appearance of the former secretary of tho interior before the committee today was aecmnnlish ed only after a special board of ft HI ITMX RPT 1 Him physicians reported that he wasl I II ILJL Hl IJL I AJLlJ physically able to make the trip to III 1111 I Hr tlie capltoi and withstand the com I I HL I I 11 ljLl cross examination I Immediately after listening to all's 'refusal to testify the com mittee ordered all persons out of the hearing room and went Into an executive session to determine what course to pursue Three reasons were given by all for refusing to answer ques tiongv'Theaa were: :1 Because tlie resolutions undcr whlch tlie committee Is conducting its investigation were alleged to have expired at tlie end of the Six ty seventh congress so that the present committee has no ity to go ahead with the inquiry 2 Because the committee ifl since it lias been discharged through the adoption of the WalsK resolution tiiid 3 Because said all "my an swers may tend to incriminate me" may pull through the day that of course is somethin! no one can foretell His con dition might change in a mo Despite the assurances from the doctors that death is not Ms Iric honnilal VV11SO11 it IS Salu Jimm steadfastly refuses to believe He recognizes those about him but is too tack ig necessarily fatal and" fiaiH nffnici 111 4lAA Willi fllPDriHfl 1H she clings to tlie conviction that there will yet be the WASHINGTON eb 2 The following bulletin was turning point that the doctors L1CLC glWJJ Up ILUpiHg 1U1 I1W Tells the Truth fe AS lS i Y4 1g 1 vr gai A I'' fir "I A 1 4' tV i 48 fca IK A ST i 1 1 in MMMMaaMaMMMMVRMBV Ifc Lvfr i JEraMNHiB MBr Wf 'f WjgMlKW 1 XX fl SSar A XxwX OSr 6 7 tu flffnra A I Jml i I II I I I I' JM i Jay mW TL uKhSmH Kir A WH MB i fflj s' i MMW "4 ''fT A It 1 xV I use.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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